Consumer needs more Human Interaction from the companies

Consumer needs more Human Interaction from the companies

Human interaction remains a vital component of customer satisfaction, even in the “digital age.” 83% of world’s consumers prefer dealing with human beings over digital channels to solve customer service issues and get advice (77%). Almost half (45%) of consumers say they are even willing to pay a higher price for goods and services if it ensures a better level of service.

Physical and in-store experiences are also highly valued amongst consumers. 65% agree that in-store services are the best channels for getting a tailored experience, and 46% say they are more willing to be sold new or upgraded products when receiving a face-to-face service compared to online.

How leaders of customer services succeed

Organizations that want to rebalance their digital and traditional customer service channels should look to:

  •  Putting human and physical elements back into customer service

    Rethink your investment strategy. The focus should be on delivering satisfying customer experiences – not methods of interaction. Ensure your channel management approach delivers integrated experiences.

  •  Make it easy for customers to switch channels to get the experience they want

    Build customer service channels that enable consumers to fluidly move from digital to human interaction to get the outcomes they desire.

  •  Root out toxicity

    Define and address the most toxic customer experience across all channels. These experiences can directly impact profitability. Identify the experiences that have the greatest potential downside and leverage those insights to guide an investment strategy.

  •  Guarantee personal data security

    92% of consumers say it is extremely important that companies protect the privacy of their personal information. By not selling or sharing customer data with other companies, and guaranteeing that safeguards are in place to protect it, consumers will be more willing to hand over personal information which can be leveraged to deliver better experiences.

Author Profile

Nitish Kaul
Nitish Kaul
Nitish is a CX Solutionings Expert at DialDesk. He has helped provide our customers with fantastic services and made sure their needs have been met promptly. His knowledge of pertinent business strategies and his decision-making skills help add to the team dynamic by creating positive results for every project we work on. He knows how to get the job done efficiently.

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