10 key sales statistics to help you sell more

10 Key Sales Statistics that'll Help You to Sell More

We have collected some information, I think very useful information regarding changing scenarios of sales in the times of SM impact, you can get surprised by what you are going to learn because one can think that number does not reflect the whole story but they certainly illuminate many aspects of it, deep inside of the analysis put on by the numbers there is a path clarity over the sales strategies:-

  • “97% of consumers go online to find and research products and services:”

    This statistic proves the importance of having an outstanding web presence, not just for sales, but also for marketing and customer service teams alike. In today’s digital era, consumers often first interact with you and your brand via the Web.This also proves that having a viable online reputation and solid reviews is just as important! How you are represented on the Web as a company says a lot about your business success.

  • “For sales reps that do invest in social media, 64% of them hit their team quota, compared to only 49% of reps hitting their team quota that don’t use social media”:

    Social media helps to close gaps in communication between the consumer and brand, or, in this case – the salesperson. The more you can connect with consumers on their preferred channel, the better off your entire business is.

  • The vast majority of prospects want to read emails at 5 and 6 a.m.”:

    This means that CRM and marketing automation tools can be especially useful to salespeople today, to help automate tasks like this to keep the sales cycle moving forward without sacrificing a personal touch. Today’s technology is equipped to handle and help salespeople handle this modern consumer demand. Decision-makers are morning people (apparently)! Make sure your email sends are too.

  • “Emails that contain one to three questions are 50% likelier to get replies than emails without any questions”:

    This implies that consumers and buyers appreciate a well-thought-out email that gets their own wheels churning. Come up with a few effective questions to send their way to show you are concerned for and addressing their needs from the beginning of your relationship.

  •  Here are the MOST effective words to put in your email subject line:

    • Demo
    • Connect
    • Cancellation
    • Apply
    • Opportunity
    • Conference
    • Payments
  •   And the MOST ineffective words to use in your email subject line are:
    • Assistance
    • Speaker
    • Press
    • Social
    • Invite
    • Join
    • Confirm
  • The more you write, the less likely you are to get a response:

    Only one in three messages that are longer than 2500 words receive a reply. However, you shouldn’t be too brief: A 25-word email is roughly as effective as a 2000-word one. What’s the sweet spot? Between 50 and 125 words — or around the length of this paragraph.

  • Salespeople spend just one-third of their day actually talking to prospects:

    They spend 21% of their day writing emails, 17% entering data, another 17% prospecting and researching leads, 12% going to internal meetings, and 12% scheduling calls.
    Sales professionals with three to four years of selling experience spend 50% more time on training than those with two years or less and 110% as those with five years or more — probably because rookies aren’t sure if they’re going to stay in sales and veterans don’t believe they need to develop further.

  •  Here are the top ways to create a positive sales experience, according to buyers:
    • Listen to their needs (69%)
    • Don’t be pushy (61%)
    • Provide relevant information (61%)
    • Respond in a timely manner (51%)

The stats are drawn from studies, surveys, and articles from trusted sources like  HubSpot, Baydin, Blue corona.

Author Profile

Nitish Kaul
Nitish Kaul
Nitish is a CX Solutionings Expert at DialDesk. He has helped provide our customers with fantastic services and made sure their needs have been met promptly. His knowledge of pertinent business strategies and his decision-making skills help add to the team dynamic by creating positive results for every project we work on. He knows how to get the job done efficiently.

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