Cloud Vs On-Premise Call Center

Cloud Vs On-Premise Call Center

  • Cloud-based call centers are hosted by third-party providers and accessible via the Internet.
  • On-premise setups take longer to install and maintain compared to cloud solutions.
  • Cloud call centers eliminate substantial upfront costs and offer flexible pay-as-you-go options.
  • Scalability is more straightforward and less expensive with cloud systems.

Are you tired of maintaining and updating your on-premise call center’s equipment?

Is it challenging to scale customer calls as your company grows?

A cloud-based call center might just be what you need.

With lower costs, easy scaling, and reliable backup systems, cloud solutions can improve your customer relations with ease.

So let’s understand what cloud-based call centers are and their advantages over on-premise ones.

What is a Cloud-Based Call Center?

Businesses that employ cloud-based phone systems typically use an application to access their directory, as the system is fully dependent on the Internet.

A third-party phone service provider is offering this application. To communicate with your consumers, you must have a strong internet connection and enough bandwidth.

Cloud phone solutions require minimal server configuration. It’s also quite simple to add or remove configurations from the phone system.

On-premise vs. Cloud Call Centres: Why Choose Cloud

On-premise vs. Cloud Call Centres: Why Choose Cloud Infographic

Let’s compare both on-premise and cloud-based call centres against a variety of scenarios to properly analyze them.

1. Streamline Your Setup

Depending on how big the business is, installing an on-premise ecosystem can take several months. In addition, you must decide which hardware to purchase, hire a professional team, and build the setup’s infrastructure.

However, setting up a cloud call center just requires signing up with a third-party vendor. Just by using the cloud call center, you get access to technologies like Automatic Call Distributor and IVR.

2. Cloud Scales with Your Needs

In an on-premise call center, the price is directly related to the model’s size. The higher you scale it, the more expensive it gets. If you run a small business, it can burn a hole in your wallet.

Cloud call centers, however, don’t require a significant upfront cost. This particular model eliminates most upfront costs, making it a lucrative option.

3. Cloud Scales with Your Needs

When considering an on-premise call center, scalability entails additional expenses. Here, scalability and investment are directly correlated; the more you invest, the more scalability you have.

A cloud system, on the other hand, allows for service modifications while taking industry and seasonal variations into account.

4. Cloud’s Reliability Beyond Hardware

Many companies rely on in-house solutions to provide high-quality calls without internet-based interruptions or delays.

It’s crucial to understand that not all mistakes are electronic. Maintenance costs for on-site call centers are a recurring expense.

Furthermore, the hardware may occasionally malfunction or, worse, stop your operations.

Inherently, cloud-based call centers are more dependable than physical ones. But make sure the vendor you choose can accommodate your requirements.

5. Easy Multiple Integrations

When we talk about updating the software for an on-site call center, there are several stakes involved. The associated installations and licensing can frequently become complex.

With a cloud-based call center, you all skip the hassle. The vendor you choose will perform all the necessary steps, saving you additional time and peace of mind.

Because of this, cloud-based call centers provide several ways to improve the user experience for both your staff and your clients

6. Cloud Boost Call Center Productivity

Numerous functions included in the cloud call center benefit your team of contact center agents.

A few of the numerous features that greatly boost your team’s efficiency are automated voicemails, call log tracking, auto-dialers, and easier call log administration.

7. Collaboration Without Limits

An on-premise call center would be very beneficial for collaboration, just for the fact that sharing a workspace promotes collaboration.

However, because most individuals have shifted to remote work, onsite systems have been experiencing a lot of issues.

With a cloud call center, working remotely is dependable. You can access your system from any location in the world. Because everything is stored on the cloud, you can expect an even easier collaboration.

8. Less Maintenance, more efficiency

Both of these setups require maintenance but on very different scales. While a cloud system might develop bugs, these are usually well within the radar of the tech team.

Traditional phone models have a recurring maintenance model. The hardware requires updates and specific agencies are brought under contract for the same.


It’s ultimately a decision that you have to make. Given the company’s current situation, any of these two call centers may be appropriate.

Consider your needs and available resources while carefully weighing these possibilities before making a decision.

See how DialDesk can streamline your operations and boost customer satisfaction. Contact us today for all inbound call center needs in India.

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Varuna Raghav

Varuna Raghav
As a CX and marketing specialist, Varuna Raghav has more than 15+ years of experience in her name. Her enriching input has been valuable to the brands and organizations she's worked with.

Premise-based call center indicates where all the hardware, software and manpower of a company are located at their specific physical site/location. In opposition to this, cloud-based systems have all of their functionalities hosted by remote providers.

On-premise call centers typically involve an initial investment in software and hardware, as well as continuous IT maintenance. They might be less scalable than cloud solutions, and the process of disaster recovery could be more difficult.

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Author Profile

Varuna Raghav
Varuna Raghav
As a CX and marketing specialist, Varuna Raghav has more than 15+ years of experience in her name. Her enriching input has been valuable to the brands and organizations she's worked with.

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