How to do Woocommerce cart abandonment Recovery

How to do Woocommerce cart abandonment Recovery

What is WooCommerce Cart abandonment?

WooCommerce cart abandonment is when a customer adds items to their cart in a WooCommerce store but then leaves without finishing the purchase. This is a common problem for online retailers, and it can cost businesses a lot of money.

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The main reasons for WooCommerce cart abandonment

Extra costs added at checkout (shipping, tax, fees) (48%)
Having to create an account during the checkout process(24%)
Delivery was too slow (22%)
Security Concerns (18%)
Complex checkout process (17%)

As we can see, WooCommerce cart abandonment occurs due to a lot of reasons. In this article, we will see what strategies you can use to recapture lost sales and what can help you to prevent or reduce your WooCommerce cart abandonment rate.


Strategies and Practices to reduce WooCommerce cart abandonment

As we have already covered some of the most common reasons for cart abandonment, here are a few tips for recovering your WooCommerce abandoned carts :-

  • Provide your incentive in the email’s subject line.
  • Employ a series of automated messages to remind your customers to finish their orders on a recurring basis.
  • Employ the appropriate channel(s) for your target audience (SMS, push, or email notification)
  • To engage cart abandoners with the information that is most important to them, section your audience.

But, if these don’t fit with your brand’s image, don’t automatically give WooCommerce cart abandonment incentives like discounts or competitions. For instance, if you sell high end goods, giving any form of discount might devalue your brand.


It’s time to focus on averting cart abandonment once and for all after working to recover lost revenue. These specific strategies can help you recuperate more WooCommerce abandoned carts.


Reduce Delivery Issues

Free delivery is seen as the top reason for purchasing by 90% of customers, so be sure to take advantage of this. If you are unable to provide free delivery outright, insert the cost of shipping in the price of the entire item so that the buyers will not be surprised by additional expenditures at the time of checkout.

Since we’re talking about shipping, make sure that when a consumer examines their basket, all applicable taxes and shipping prices are displayed visibly. Consumers don’t want surprise additional payments to appear when they are checking out. Adding a calculator to your shopping page so that customers can enter their zip code and get the cost of shipping is an easy way to accomplish this.

Remove the requirement for user accounts

Customers dislike having to go through the (often drawn-out) process of setting up a customer account before making a purchase, as we’ve already explained. This is particularly true for customers who make mobile payments.

Use a guest cart to keep things simple, and all you need is their email address to send a purchase confirmation email. Use a one-click social login alternative instead.


Put quality first

Customers might shy away in some instances due to the high caliber of your offerings and brand. So, it never hurts to mention this problem on your product checkout pages. This might be achieved by directing them to some of your stellar product evaluations. By urging recipients to contact you for information, you might also highlight the caliber of your customer service. Just make sure to follow through with that commitment!


Promote your brand

Make customers feel like they are a part of your purpose and ethos by employing your brand’s USP and narrative. You are far more likely to inspire loyalty in consumers when they feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. To ensure that your WooCommerce store stands out from the competition, this is important. As a consequence, clients have even greater reason to stick with you because of your brand.


Author Profile

Varuna Raghav
Varuna Raghav
As a CX and marketing specialist, Varuna Raghav has more than 15+ years of experience to her name. Her enriching input has been valuable to the brands and organizations she's worked with.

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