Magento cart abandonment effects and How to overcome them

Magento cart abandonment effects and how to overcome them

What is Magento Cart abandonment?

Magento cart abandonment is when a customer adds items to its cart in a Magento store but then exits without completing the purchase. This is a common problem for online retailers, and it can cost businesses a lot of money.

In This Guide –

The effects of cart abandonment on your Magento store

Missed sales: Each client who leaves their shopping basket empty indicates a lost sale. The financial performance of a Magento store may be significantly impacted by this.

Decreased consumer satisfaction: Disappointed and irritated customers are more prone to abandon their carts. Reduced consumer satisfaction and loyalty may result from this.

Higher marketing expenses: Magento stores may need to spend more on marketing to make up for lost revenue. This can be an expensive endeavour, especially if the incidence of cart abandonment is high.

Impact reputation: Customers may be less inclined to return to a Magento store in the future if they have a bad experience there. This might harm the store’s reputation and make it more difficult to draw in new consumers.


Average cart abandonment rate for Magento stores: 75%.

How to overcome the effects of cart abandonment on Magento stores

  1. Provide free shipment: One effective strategy to decrease cart abandonment is to offer free delivery. For expensive things or for buyers who aren’t sure whether to buy, this works extremely well.
  2. Simplify the checkout procedure: The checkout procedure has to be as easy and straightforward as feasible. This involves communicating clearly and succinctly, giving clear directions, and providing a variety of payment methods.
  3. Highlighting trust indicators: To increase client trust, use trust signals on your Using security badges, showing customer reviews, or having a transparent privacy policy are a few examples of how to do this.
  4. Personalize the checkout experience: Personalize the checkout experience by using the customer’s name, offering relevant products, and providing personalized recommendations.
  5. Send abandoned cart emails: Send abandoned cart emails to customers who have not completed their purchase. These emails should remind customers of the items they left in their cart and offer them a discount or incentive to complete the purchase.


 According to Barilliance’s study, an average conversion rate for abandoned cart emails is about 19%


  1. Make use of exit-intent popups: Customers who are ready to leave their basket are an excellent target for exit-intent popup ads. To entice customers to finish their transaction, these pop ups may include discounts, free delivery, or other incentives.
  2. Make customer service accessible: If a consumer has any queries or reservations regarding their order, they should be able to readily contact customer care. Ensure that your website prominently displays your contact details and that your customer care staff is helpful.
  3. Analyze cart abandonment rate: Monitoring your cart abandonment rate can help you determine how effective your techniques are. The analytics features in Magento allow you to monitor your cart abandonment rate and pinpoint the causes of it.
  4. Try out several tactics: A universal fix for lowering cart abandonment is not possible. Testing several techniques to determine which produces the greatest results is the best approach to discover what works for your store.

Author Profile

Rajesh Ramachandran
Rajesh Ramachandran
Expertise in regulatory and product compliance with over 15+ years of industry experience. Rajesh is an experienced business operations manager who provides his clients with integrity, knowledge, and strategic support on issues including regulatory and product compliance.

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