Do’s and Don’ts of Using Social Media For Customer Service

Do’s and Don’ts of Using Social Media For Customer Service

Do you want to improve your customer service skills? Do you feel like you could be doing a better job of engaging with your customers online? If so, this blog is for you.

Customer service is one of the key success factors in today’s competitive world. As the stats show, customers are more inclined to do business with companies that commit to providing a quality customer experience.

Reports show that customers have switched to the competition – when they have experienced a poor customer experience. It should be said that with all of the changes on the horizon, it becomes increasingly important to go above and beyond for what we offer our customers – because they won’t hesitate to take their business elsewhere if they believe we aren’t working hard enough!

Because in today’s world, social media reigns supreme, it is more important than ever before to prioritize your customer service so that you do not lose out on repeat business and new clients.

In this blog post, we’ll outline some tips on how you can use social media for better customer service.

Customer service via social media can be a powerful tool, and thankfully there are plenty of ways to use it. By using channels like Twitter and Facebook, businesses can reach out to their customers in an accessible way that is convenient and private.

Additionally, social media can be used to provide helpful or interesting tips and advice, respond quickly to customer inquiries, help build communities around your brand, keep customers updated on company news, share updates of special events, and so on.

Below are some stellar tips for using social media for better customer service:

  • Use social media as a way to stay in touch with your customers. On Twitter, for example, businesses can post updates about their product or service offerings, answer customer questions, and even offer giveaways. Facebook also makes it easy for companies to keep tabs on what their customers are saying about them on the site’s wall – plus, they can use the site’s “comment” feature to engage with individual customers directly.
  • Respond quickly to customer inquiries. While some customers may appreciate a lengthy response to their query on social media, others may just want a quick response that addresses their question directly. Either way, responding quickly is important in building trust and goodwill with your customers.
  • Offer helpful tips and advice. When it comes to customer service, it’s always helpful to have some advice on hand. That’s why it’s a good idea to share helpful tips and advice on social media, as well as answer any customer questions that you can.
  • Keep customers updated on company news and events. Not only is it important to keep customers updated on the latest product or service offerings, but also company news and events. This way, customers know what’s happening with your business and can make more informed decisions when it comes to shopping or doing business with you.
  • Respect your customers’ privacy. As with all of your customer interactions, be respectful of your customers’ privacy when using social media for customer service. In particular, avoid posting personal information (like addresses or phone numbers) that could potentially be used by criminals or other undesirable individuals.

Ways to Use Social Media for Better Customer Service

When it comes to customer service, social media can be a huge asset. With so many people using it, there’s a good chance that your customers are on social media too. If you use social media correctly, you can provide excellent customer service and build relationships with your customers that can last for years.

Here are some tips on how to use social media for better customer service:

  • Use social media to keep your customers up to date. Let them know what’s new in your business, what improvements you’ve made, and what new products you’re offering. You can also give them a chance to win something by posting about it on social media. This will show them that you care about them and want to keep them informed about what’s going on.
  • Keep an eye on trends and changes in the industry. Stay ahead of the curve by knowing what’s popular on social media and using it to promote your business. For example, if customer service is a hot topic, try using hashtags related to customer service or blogging about how you handle difficult situations.
  • Respond quickly to customer tweets and posts. When someone tweets or posts about their experience with your business, make sure you respond quickly. If you don’t, you may lose that customer’s trust and they may not return.
  • Create a rapport with your customers. Show them that you care about them and their experience with your business. This will create a stronger relationship and encourage them to return in the future.
  • Take part in relevant conversations on social media. When people are talking about important issues, take the time to join in on the discussion. This will show your customers that you’re paying attention and that you’re interested in what they have to say.
  • Gather feedback from your customers. It’s vital to gather feedback on how your products are doing in the marketplace. Some businesses try surveys, questionnaires, and online polls to analyze customer insights among other strategies.
  • Use social media to promote your events and promotions. Let your customers know that you’re hosting an event or promoting a sale. For example, if you own a local business you can create a Facebook Event and invite your current customers to visit your physical venue. This will improve the customer service experience for those who attend your event or purchase your products/services.
  • Use social media to create compelling content. Create compelling content for your website and blog by adding social media plugins. It will create a more interactive experience on your website, thus attracting new customers online. In addition, this will then improve the customer service experience – which helps improve the bottom line. And when you are creating downloadable content, this in turn attracts new organic leads.

Quick Tips for Setting Up a Positive Customer Experience

  • Use customer feedback as a guide.
  • Respond to customer complaints quickly and courteously.
  • Make it easy for your customers to find the information they need.
  • Keep your social media feed updated and relevant to your customers.
  • Encourage customer feedback by using social media features like ratings and reviews.
  • Use social media to build relationships with your customers and keep them coming back.


Ways to Respond to Negative Comments

  • . Respond quickly. When you see a negative comment on social media, don’t wait to respond. Give your customers a sense of immediacy and responsiveness by responding within minutes or hours, not days or weeks later. If you take too long to respond, your customers may think you don’t care about their feedback or that you’re unwilling to fix the problem.
  • Be transparent. Don’t hide behind an account name or anonymous profile. Let your customers know who you are and why you’re responding to their comments. This will help build trust and credibility with your customers.
  • Don’t get personal. Don’t take the opportunity to attack or insult the commenter in your response. Instead, address the issue at hand clearly and concisely.
  • Offer solutions instead of complaints. Many times, customers are simply looking for solutions rather than complaining about problems they’re experiencing. If you can offer helpful solutions, then your customers may be more likely to forgive you for a poor response.



With all the added benefits that social media brings to the table, it’s almost a wonder that more businesses aren’t using it as a customer service tool.
The fact of the matter is that social media is a great way to improve customer service. When you have a customer that needs a hand with something, using social media to answer them in real-time will ensure that they get an answer quickly.
It also allows you to connect with your customers on a more personal level, which can help you develop better relationships with them in the long run. If you have any further questions on how you can use social media as a customer service tool, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Author Profile

Nitish Kaul
Nitish Kaul
Nitish is a CX Solutionings Expert at DialDesk. He has helped provide our customers with fantastic services and made sure their needs have been met promptly. His knowledge of pertinent business strategies and his decision-making skills help add to the team dynamic by creating positive results for every project we work on. He knows how to get the job done efficiently.

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